Thrive In Your Next Chapter


Are you wondering what’s the right Next, Next for you? After caring for family…or re-imagining meaningful work? Beyond hobbies and time off? 

How about your energy? Are you feeling like a stranger in your own body, battling through the challenges that menopause throws your way? 

What if you could grab a customizable cheat sheet of the best science-backed, data driven, easy-to implement to order to reset and re-envision a wide open canvas, personalized for your horizon?

Well, you can. Start Now.

There’s more to life than holding your breath and pushing through…


Are you struggling with...

  • Unclear on the next steps in managing menopause, unsure of the right path forward for your unique experience?
  • Plummeting energy levels that make even the simplest tasks feel monumental?
  • How to define what’s “Next” that’s energizing, meaningful and a match for the lifestyle you’re ready to lead?
  • Unpredictable mood swings, leaving you feeling emotionally drained and overwhelmed?
  • Your trusty workout and nutrition norms becoming less effective leaving you worried about how your physical self will show up for your future vision?
  • Feeling lost in the uncertainty of this transformative phase, craving guidance and a clear roadmap for the journey ahead?
  • Are you ready to break free from midlife and menopause struggles to craft and embrace your future where you not only cope, but Thrive?

how would it feel to...

  • Experience a newfound vitality as your energy levels soar, allowing you to tackle each day with enthusiasm and ease.
  • Embrace emotional balance and stability, bidding farewell to the rollercoaster of mood swings that once held you captive.
  • Reconnect with your body in a positive light, celebrating the beauty of its evolution and confidently embracing the changes.
  • Feel a sense of clarity and assurance as you embark on a well-defined path, armed with the knowledge and tools to navigate menopause with confidence.
  • Revel in the empowerment that comes with understanding and embracing the transformative phase of menopause, free from the fog of uncertainty.
  • Find solace in a supportive network that not only acknowledges but empathizes with your struggles, fostering a sense of connection and understanding.
  • Experience a holistic solution that caters to both the physical and emotional aspects of menopause.

Introducing Thrive in your Next...Next 

Up To and Through Menopause


The road up to and through Menopause changes everything.

Break through the frustration and muddied advice to get easy, science-backed, actionable ideas on how to feel better with less time and effort - via small changes that fit your lifestyle.

Take a few moments to learn how to make tweaks to your routines to get more energy and better results for the work you do on your health.

Build your own Blueprint to Thrive as you Choose from hundreds of data-driven to-dos to help your mindset, workouts, nutrition, sleep, supplements and emerging tech simplify your life and make you feel your very best.

I'm ready let's get started!

15 Video Lessons

Jump into bite size lessons (think 15-40 minutes) covering menopause, mindset, movement, meals, money, metrics and more. Follow in order or dive in as you like to get Linsly and Jen’s simple, science-backed action items to easily -Thrive- in Your Next, Next!

Quick Start Guide

The three modules include 15 lessons - each with a mini-workbook so you can review the core concepts covered in the video as well as build your own, customizable Blueprint for Thriving in Your Next, Next!

Customizable Workbook

Combine all of the workbooks or filter just ones that resonate most with you to get your personalized “Thrival Blueprint”. You curate - from the hundreds of simplified, science-backed action items Linsly and Jen share to build your Blueprint. You can easily sort and select the ideas that fit your lifestyle preferences and offer data-driven results in the areas important to you.

This is perfect for you if...

  • You are staring at the next 10 (or even 5) years and not sure what's next.
  • You're kids are about to or have left the house and you know you want to do more but don't know what or how to even tackle the questions
  • Your workouts and eating routines aren't working any more - you can't exercise anymore or eat any less
  • Your sleep is inconistent
  • Your wondering...what's it all for anyway?

You're Not Alone

Navigating through the fog of uncertainty shouldn't be a solo expedition. 

I'm Linsly...

I'm here because I'm inspired to help women define and own their roadmap to Thrival. 

I'm a lifelong learner, synthesizer and deployer of "best practices” across a myriad of fields - with a drive to find the highest impact action items to Thrive in all aspects of life. 

I’ve had the chance to help build a cross-section of businesses:

  • Brand building in Consumer Goods companies like Coca Cola USA, Kraft USA
  • Strategy Consulting at Bain & Company, helping to open and build the Los Angeles office
  • Founding and building Tech and Media companies such as,,,  SmartFeed and Securly

Now, as a certified Mindset and Longevity Coach, I am delighted to partner with women on how to craft and build out their best Roadmap from Midlife and Beyond.

Your midlife journey - as you swagger, joyfully into living better, longer - is what I’m so very excited to partner with you on - today!

I'm Jen...

I'm here to help all women know and own their ability to Thrive and Prosper through all stages of life.

As a lifelong athlete and certified fitness instructor, I’ve learned how to navigate unexpected hurdles and how to prioritize the actions that differentially pay off with tangible energy and outcome benefits. 

My training and practice as a physician in high acuity operating rooms from Stanford University to the University of Utah, I experienced first hand the need for education and support around Thriving. This became my life’s work and passion- helping people, especially women envision what can be possible in every stage of life. After spending the last 3 years deep in the human performance and longevity world, I now work with clients and colleagues to glean the best of today’s science in partnership with the realities of today’s demands, to deliver best fitting health drivers to optimize women’s lifestyles.

As an entrepreneur, I partner with thought leaders across all aspects of women’s Thrival to bring roadmaps and metrics to teams of all types, with a vision to build the best future they’re challenged to envision and embody.

I’m honored to work with you on whatever version of your Thrival is calling to you now.

Hi, we’re Linsly and Dr. Jen, two mountain-life loving Moms, business owners, adventure athletes and midlife enthusiasts here to make the next steps to Thriving…easy - and - joyful 

With grins and gratitude,

Linsly and Jen

are you ready to thrive?

Yes! I'm Ready!